Marc Jacobs Fragrance Engraving Event - Houston Engraver
In the spirit of immersing myself into Spanish, this will be the first of many blog posts where I write in both English & Spanish. Wish me luck!
As always, it is a pleasure working with the Marc Jacobs fragrance team. Often times, my events with them are quite busy which is wonderful! Unfortunately, that often means that I forget to take pictures. However, here is a picture of the very last bottle of the very last event that I did with them :). Cheers!
Estoy aún aprendiendo español. Favor de aceptar mis sinceras disculpas por errores.
Como siempre, es un placer trabajar con el equipo de Marc Jacobs para perfume. A veces, mis eventos con ellos son ocupados. Desafortunadamente, olvido sacar fotos. Sin embargo, aquí es una foto desde el día último del evento último. Estoy agradecida por su paciencia. Muchísimas gracias!