Engraving Events - Houston Engraver
December was amazing! Estaba muy ocupada! I was insanely busy! As of the last few years, I have made it a habit to close my Etsy shop from late November through December due to the busy engraving/calligraphy calendar outside of the Etsy shop. It is truly an honor and a pleasure to engrave at events all around the city for fragrance companies and wine & spirit companies. The last wine event that I worked for Kenwood wines at Spec's Midtown had an unexpected request. There was a client that purchased bottles for her loved one, but also purchased a corkscrew to include as a gift. Makes sense... While I was engraving her bottles, she asked if I could engrave the corkscrew as well. When it comes to these requests, I ALWAYS direct them to the company representative that is paying for me to be there. At the end of the day, I want for all parties involved to be pleased...especially the party that is paying me :). The representative said, "sure, why not?" So to make a short story shorter, I engraved her metal corkscrew with the gentleman's last name as she watched. Voila! Cheers!