Calligraphic Cartouche - Houston Calligraphy
I LOVE making cartouches as an accent to a word or name. They really add to the piece and tell the reader that this was definitely created by hand.
Calligrapher for Team USA - 2016 Rio Olympics
Houston calligrapher and wine bottle engraver
I LOVE making cartouches as an accent to a word or name. They really add to the piece and tell the reader that this was definitely created by hand.
Bella Grafia is now offering address/name stamps. The process is simple. Once you decide on what writing style you would like, I will write it out by hand and send you a proof. Upon approval, I will have the stamp made and delivered. The whole process takes roughly 7-10 days. Voila! No need for impersonal printed return addresses. The name stamps are also great to use on your thank you notes. Love it!
This bride opted for the Copperplate Citadel that is slightly flourished. Simple and elegant form that is true to the 16th century European tradition. Portions of the addresses have been digitally obscured for client privacy.
Modern calligraphy is a step outside of "my box" but it does have a fun feel to it. I see this more for casual events etc.
This client had the wonderful idea of presenting his wife with the song lyrics that they danced to at their wedding for their anniversary. Great gift! I also thought that I would use the pictures to show a glimpse of the process that I use on a piece of this nature.
My process is simple, but requires time. I start by testing the paper with my inks. Then I begin estimating the number of lines that will be needed (hand-written vs the computer type that I received) and the size of the lettering based on the size of paper that the client desires for framing etc. Next, I draw graphite lines on the paper. Then, I write the piece in pencil to estimate centering and reevaluate the number of lines needed etc. This allows me to make centering/spelling changes and shift lines without ruining countless pages of paper (save the trees, please). Then, I ink it and let it dry. After it's dry, I erase the lines and proof-read for the 2nd time. He loved it.....Mission Accomplished!
Beautiful ornate roundhand place cards for a wedding later this month. Various flourishes were used to indicate meal preferences. Great idea from the bride and easy to execute.
The beauty of the Capital U. Just a quick doodle on the back side of my notes during an illustration seminar. This same U was used on a wine label design recently completed. (The ink is still drying...)
Ornate Roundhand Calligraphy
This bottle was engraved for a graduation gift. If it comes in it's own box, the odds of it being tasty are high. Who wouldn't love to be on the recipient end of this? Thanks for the referral, Albany!
There are always names on wedding invitation lists that make me do a double take. This one is the coolest so far. And yes, this is from an actual list. Fairy tales really do come true.
I am honored to have been chosen for the 2nd year in a row as Houston's Best Engraver for 2014. The link to the press release is below.
This Spencerian and casual script style has been requested quite a bit lately. With that, I'm loving it more and more. This is great for either a casual event or a wedding with a relaxed feel.
I had the privilege of working with celebrity event designer Lisa Vorce ( on an absolutely gorgeous wedding. Here, I completed a few last minute calligraphic details hours before guests arrived at the reception. Here, I was literally watching paint (ink) dry before her team would intricately place my work throughout the reception. It was such a privilege and a joy to work with her & her team.
This client opted for Traditional Spencerian calligraphy with casual writing for the address in a metallic bronze. I used acryla gouache to create this custom color. I like this style for casual occasions. Some details were digitally removed for address privacy.
This client was such a pleasure to work with. She chose Traditional Spencerian for her wedding addressing. She and her fiancé wanted something elegant but simple and conservative. Hence, I had to hold back on the flourishes. Only minor flourishes appeared here and there :). Some address details have been digitally removed for privacy.
On my continued quest for the smoothest black paper (as I love inverting colors from the garden variety), I have been introduced to Artagain Series 400 paper. It's the smoothest that I have found thus far. I'll favor this until I find something as smooth as Canson Pro-Marker Layout (white). That will be a challenge, I know…
I have yet to truly indulge in port wines. I've only had a few. However, I do like this bottle. It engraved beautifully and this client came up with a great quote for it. Cheers!
Purple…..If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE color! This gentleman decided to opt for purple ink as the invitation was in a deep purple. SO we did a custom match on the purple and it looked really cool with Traditional Spencerian writing. I LOVE WEDDING SEASON. Don't tell anyone….. Now to go back and remove my graphite lines :) Leave no evidence!
This bride wanted "previously enjoyed" Miranda Lambert wine bottles engraved with her wedding date. I had no idea that Miranda Lambert had a wine label. You learn something new everyday if you are lucky.
This couple opted for a custom "gumdrop green" ink based on a paint swatch that they provided. Of course, we added a cartouche on each envelope to make each recipient 1) know that they are special and 2) know that each envelope was crafted by hand. LOVE IT! Now to go back and remove my graphite lines once they have dried on the "drying line"….leave no evidence! Certain address and name details have been digitally removed for privacy.