Chanel Fragrance Bottle Engraving - Houston
According to Merriam-Webster, the name Carmen means an incantation, a song, a poem. In my view, fragrances behave in a similar way from a seductive standpoint. Incantations are seductive as we can lose ourselves in them and we are never quite certain as to the reason why. The psychology behind it is a mystery to us. Jean Baudrillard believed that the immediate attraction that we have to a song or scent lies behind the annulment of meaning. A scent does not explain anything or express anything. It just is. However in that ambiguity, our minds create meaning through our lens of experiences, hopes etc, etc. We, in a sense, make it seductive in our minds without realizing it and place the object of that attraction externally. I digress….
When I engraved this bottle at a Neiman Marcus event, it was actually for a client for whom I have engraved many bottles over the last few years. This particular bottle for Carmen seemed just perfect as her name reminded me of Baudrillard’s thoughts on the attraction of fragrances..