OND in Wine and Spirits - Houston Engraver
In the wine and spirit world, there is something that is referred to as “OND”. This stands for October, November, December. For people that work in wine and spirits, it is the busiest time of the year. You figuratively tell your friends and family “good-bye, see you next year”. It is just an insanely busy time as that is when people not only drink and are merry, but they may also very well give wine and spirits as gifts.
When I started out as an engraver, it didn’t really occur to me that that shift in sales involved me. However with each passing year, it became clearer that during OND I was telling my family “see you next year”. My daughter has experienced OND since she was a baby. Funny enough, now she just knows that during November and December she will see a babysitter more than she will see me. It is an insanely busy time for onsite engraving. I usually engrave 2, sometimes 3 events a day, everyday just about 6 weeks straight……and I love it. This year was a first as I am currently in graduate school at the same time. Between grad school, running my business and my daughter, it was ……insane. But it was great and I am grateful. I was able to see clients for whom I have engraved over the years at those wine bottle engraving events. I am honored that they remembered me as I know that I am only a blip on their radar screen of life.
Now in January, life is “normal” again. Normal until OND 2022 :)