Marriage Proposal - Houston Wine Bottle Engraving
Wine Bottle Engraving in Houston
I absolutely love love! I adore the various ways that people express love. Many ways are far from conventional while others are expected. Both forms should be welcomed with open arms.
This gentleman approached my engraving table this past weekend while I was engraving at an HEB in the Houston area. He had the idea of having this famed question placed on 2 wine bottles. It was quite genius really. In the event that his words failed him all he has to do is present the bottle and the bottle does the work for him. The reasoning behind having 2 bottles was to enjoy one if all goes well and retain one for memories.
Over the years I have been asked "why in the world would someone want to engrave a bottle?" My thought is that handwriting & calligraphy moves our souls and is frankly as personal a gift as one person can be. Introverts like myself tend to express themselves best via the written word. It is with lettering, handwriting, engraving, calligraphy that we offer our thoughts and views to others without the hesitation that can take place with verbal expressions. Engraving a custom message in a wine bottle is just another expression of that...with the beautiful, seductive gift of grapes inside. As a second, one could simply ask "why not?" :). Cheers!
If you’ve been searching for wine bottle engraving near you, you’ve come to the right place! Here at Slinging Ink, we can customize and engrave a wine bottle of your choice with a personal message from your heart. Contact us today for more information or check out our events page to come out and meet us!
Peace & Love while Slinging Ink®